Thursday, April 5, 2012

Moving Tugboats and Barges with Power Dollies

Buckingham Power Dollies are an excellent option for moving tugboats, barges, yachts, and almost any other type of vessel.  They can be used to move a newly built vessel into a dry dock for the initial launch, or to move a barge or tug out of a dry dock into a shop for repair.  Using dollies to move a vessel out of the dry dock for repair not only allows the repair work to take place under roof, but it also frees the dry dock for other repair jobs that might come up, particularly emergency jobs.  The additional income from having the dry dock available for use can easily pay for the cost of the dollies.

This video shows Wolfe House Movers moving a barge out of a dry dock in Kingston, NY using Power Dollies and a Buckingham BU173 Remote Controlled Power Unit.

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